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Tuesday 3 March 2015

White Woman Vows To Continue Sending Money To An African Man She Hasn't Met ( Pic )

Woman defends sending £900,000 to lover in
Africa she never met
She’s never met her African lover, yet this
woman has spent $1.4million (£900,000) on him.
And she has no regrets.

Sarah, who has divorced twice, met Chris Olsen
18 months ago online and the pair have spoken
for hours over the phone every day.
In that time he has repeatedly asked her for
money and, despite his accent changing over
that time, she is ’95 per cent certain’ that he’s
the real deal.

He’s even tried getting to the U.S. several times,
she says, but each time gets arrested on false
charges, Sarah told Dr Phil
He told her that he was from Milan and works in
South Africa on business. But he’s also said he’s
working in Nigeria and Benin.
She said: ‘An attractive person came on there
and said “wow you look like you wouldn’t hurt a
fly”. I said “wow this guy’s really handsome, I
can’t believe he’s talking to me!”.’

Sarah has paid for hotel bills, lawyers, stolen
credit cards and $550,000 (£360,000) on bail.
Her justification? ‘I believe Chris does consider
me his wife.’

She added: ‘I have questioned several times
whether or not this is a scam. I am 95 per cent
certain that Chris is telling me the truth. That
this is legit.’
Sarah turned to Dr Phil to help unite them.

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